Working with notes and web links in entrilion

This tutorial video (22 minutes) will (1) walk you through creating and working with the powerful notes in entrilion, often replacing Word documents. You will learn (2) how to work with notes in collaboration with other team members. You will also (3) learn how to store web links to websites and how these links are automatically turned into PDF documents. Last but not least, (4) you will be getting the basics on keyword tagging and searching to easily find whatever you need.

Storing a weblink in entrilion creates a PDF

Storing a link to a website in entrilion automatically creates a PDF document of the page you are linking to.

Getting started with entrilion

This short video (13 min) gives you the basics about using entrilion, such as creating your team account, how to upload and share your content with a third party, plus more.

The Nikonians content team and their cloud-based workflow

Nikonians, an online community of passionate amateur and professional photographers that started back in the year 2000, use entrilion as their backend for all things around their content production. Authors, editors and publishing staff are using the cloud-based content management and collaboration solution, often working out of their home offices.